Stripped it with nitromors and wire wool which left it quite shiny, then I left it outside for a couple of days to become dull and develop a bit of surface rust, then linseed oiled it. This photo was taken after the second very thick winter-protection coat, and as such, it's a little more yellow than it should be.
As I've said before, I'd avoid sandblasting as it leaves a very uniform dull grey matte finish - great for applying paint onto, but not really what you're after!
Stripped it with nitromors and wire wool which left it quite shiny, then I left it outside for a couple of days to become dull and develop a bit of surface rust, then linseed oiled it. This photo was taken after the second very thick winter-protection coat, and as such, it's a little more yellow than it should be.
As I've said before, I'd avoid sandblasting as it leaves a very uniform dull grey matte finish - great for applying paint onto, but not really what you're after!