The numbers refer to how many inches forwards the bike will travel with one revolution of the cranks, so a low number is easier to pedal and a high number is harder to pedal.
If I'm reading your numbers correctly, your 3rd gear is 60.9 which is so close to 61 you are never going to notice! Any difference in the way it feels is probably down to something else in the setup.
From what I can gather, most people's GI falls between 65 and 75 on fixed and maybe up to 80 on single speed. I ride a 65 GI brakeless and a 71 GI fixed with brakes if that helps. Oh and I go up Highgate Hill every Tuesday for North Drinks! If you're in the neighbourhood, swing by and say hello to everyone.
The numbers refer to how many inches forwards the bike will travel with one revolution of the cranks, so a low number is easier to pedal and a high number is harder to pedal.
If I'm reading your numbers correctly, your 3rd gear is 60.9 which is so close to 61 you are never going to notice! Any difference in the way it feels is probably down to something else in the setup.
From what I can gather, most people's GI falls between 65 and 75 on fixed and maybe up to 80 on single speed. I ride a 65 GI brakeless and a 71 GI fixed with brakes if that helps. Oh and I go up Highgate Hill every Tuesday for North Drinks! If you're in the neighbourhood, swing by and say hello to everyone.