The drilling is 20/24h. Which to me says an absolute minimum of 30mm, but realistically somewhere around 40mm sounds more sensible, from what I've read it also sounds like a good balance in terms of handling. I'm about 80-90kg. I'm hoping to drop a bit of weight, but to be honest I'm never going to be under 75kg.
The last thing (a long shot) is I've been sold on the marketing for wider rims.
Anyone got any thoughts, or suggestions?
Definitly go for something deep with that drilling. If you consider 75Kg as a standard cyclist weight. Anything over 80Kg is a tad heavy (This includes me). Deeper rims, and bigger hub flanges, increase the bracing angle of the spokes. You need this if you are to reduce spoke count.
You could get around this by using a deeper rear rim. This would also reduce handling issues in windy weather. It was my original plan to do this, in order to perfect my wheel. But, hey, rims are cheaper in pairs.
Definitly go for something deep with that drilling. If you consider 75Kg as a standard cyclist weight. Anything over 80Kg is a tad heavy (This includes me). Deeper rims, and bigger hub flanges, increase the bracing angle of the spokes. You need this if you are to reduce spoke count.
You could get around this by using a deeper rear rim. This would also reduce handling issues in windy weather. It was my original plan to do this, in order to perfect my wheel. But, hey, rims are cheaper in pairs.
If you want to stick with alu. You could try some American Classic rims. These are special editions of the kinlin jobbies, and pretty rare.