1 - recruit new players: think we should get some business card/spoke cards made up that everyone can carry give to people/attach to bikes, think this can be done as a proiority even before having a website created
2 - look for/follow up new courts: it'd be great to have Whitworth available to play on again this year, can we find out whats going on + with the amount of old industrial space in manchester i think we should make an effort to find a way to get some indoor space + there are a number of other courts we have never looked into. Also maybe treat ourselves to a new set of goals for 2012.
**3 - host some sort of tourney **- NS/Invitational/indoor winter? whatever - as long as we have a good court/courts we should host a tournament to keep MCR in the national scene.
**4 - Improve our competitive play **- i think some contstuctive critiscism/discussion of tactics from senior players and just people who come from a more competitive sports background would be good. Plus drills, set play etc will be useful.
5 - Improve our social scene - we're never gonna get back to the days of everyone piling into sandbar with bikes, but perhaps there is somewhere else we can take over as our own for MCR polo, plus maybe a few non-polo activities that aren't based solely around alcohol (the horror!)?
Can help with designing graphics, logos, flyers, and can distribute flyer etc, plus happy to take a role in production for any tournament we choose to do.....
Request in order of priority:
1 - recruit new players: think we should get some business card/spoke cards made up that everyone can carry give to people/attach to bikes, think this can be done as a proiority even before having a website created
2 - look for/follow up new courts: it'd be great to have Whitworth available to play on again this year, can we find out whats going on + with the amount of old industrial space in manchester i think we should make an effort to find a way to get some indoor space + there are a number of other courts we have never looked into. Also maybe treat ourselves to a new set of goals for 2012.
**3 - host some sort of tourney **- NS/Invitational/indoor winter? whatever - as long as we have a good court/courts we should host a tournament to keep MCR in the national scene.
**4 - Improve our competitive play **- i think some contstuctive critiscism/discussion of tactics from senior players and just people who come from a more competitive sports background would be good. Plus drills, set play etc will be useful.
5 - Improve our social scene - we're never gonna get back to the days of everyone piling into sandbar with bikes, but perhaps there is somewhere else we can take over as our own for MCR polo, plus maybe a few non-polo activities that aren't based solely around alcohol (the horror!)?
Can help with designing graphics, logos, flyers, and can distribute flyer etc, plus happy to take a role in production for any tournament we choose to do.....