Should be pretty self explanatory for now. I'll add charts and summaries (things like biggest % of base weight lost) in due course. I wanted to get the sheet out so people can start filling it asap.
Should we use LFGSS names to keep things easier?
It would be ideal to have as many people using this as possible so we can really help each other out.
Also I've done week ending weights as people have different weigh in dates.
Feel free to add comments to each of your weigh in cells if the need arises, right click on cell - add comment.
Ok speadsheet is set up.
Should be pretty self explanatory for now. I'll add charts and summaries (things like biggest % of base weight lost) in due course. I wanted to get the sheet out so people can start filling it asap.
Should we use LFGSS names to keep things easier?
It would be ideal to have as many people using this as possible so we can really help each other out.
Also I've done week ending weights as people have different weigh in dates.
Feel free to add comments to each of your weigh in cells if the need arises, right click on cell - add comment.