Thanks all for the advice. I like Open Pros because I find them very easy to build a strong wheel with.
The velocity rims sound good but I don't really want a black rim - silver or hard ano is my preference. Whilst I don't really want to let looks rule over absolute performance, if function was my absolute preference I suppose I wouldn't be building up an old steel bike with a threaded headset...
So I think it's a choice between Open Pros and TB14s. I must admit I'm leaning more toward the TB14 for the wider rim. Choices choices!
The tb14 will look really nice. The rim H+son have copied is an ambrosio isnt it? Velocity aeros come in alu/ silver as well and look quite traditional.
as you seem to have record cranks, how about a set of these from campyoldy... nicer than the tb14.
The tb14 will look really nice. The rim H+son have copied is an ambrosio isnt it? Velocity aeros come in alu/ silver as well and look quite traditional.
as you seem to have record cranks, how about a set of these from campyoldy... nicer than the tb14.