right, a quick update, still no photos, but some more bits winging their way too me. Just copied from the top post, but the lights with go onto the stopgap bike until I've got the new one build, with the possible exception of the fibreflare.
Saddle: I really liked the Charge Spoon I had on the Grinder, so I've just got anther the same, in black, from Tritron Cycles on the Bay
Headset: I decided to go with the Cane Creek after finding it under £30 at Merlin Cycles
Lights: Since my previous lights had gone with the bike, I had to get new ones. Having asked in the Lights thread, I decided on two rears, and a single front to start with. For rears I went with a long FibreFlare and a Blackburn Mars 4.0. For the front I've gone for a Moon Mask 5
right, a quick update, still no photos, but some more bits winging their way too me. Just copied from the top post, but the lights with go onto the stopgap bike until I've got the new one build, with the possible exception of the fibreflare.
Saddle: I really liked the Charge Spoon I had on the Grinder, so I've just got anther the same, in black, from Tritron Cycles on the Bay
Headset: I decided to go with the Cane Creek after finding it under £30 at Merlin Cycles
Lights: Since my previous lights had gone with the bike, I had to get new ones. Having asked in the Lights thread, I decided on two rears, and a single front to start with. For rears I went with a long FibreFlare and a Blackburn Mars 4.0. For the front I've gone for a Moon Mask 5