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  • @beardie - I know exactly what you mean. I was chopping up garlic last night and it was a gamble if I'd hit it or my fingers!!

    We, the Norwegian, the hippy and myself are moving today down to hackney wick. I'm hoping to meet up with Charlie Mist!

    After the first storm a lot of the boats here moved up river to more solid ground - literally. Apparently the filterbed area has recently been re done and as such the soil here hasn't compacted sufficiently. No less than 5 boats were loose the other morning. I tried to help one but I'm still pretty nervous about jumping onto roof of a boat.

    The Norwegian, who has no such fear, jumped onto the pair that were entirely loose and floating up stream to wake the still sleeping occupants to get them up (it was 7am) and to heip him get them secured.
    They were pretty confused but grateful.


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