Credit where credit's due though - Elton John cheers me up because nothing can be quite as bad as Elton John. What with the sycophantic celebrity lovin', the narcissistic preening and the Diana candle mongering.........and the way he treats his bitch David Furnish (who is actually a filmmaker), why, how mean can a man be?......... boy, any day seems brighter when I think how glad I was to leave that Holland Park mansion in one piece and managed to get across the MOR to safety.
Gorecki - Symphony No.3
Beautiful but sad too.
Credit where credit's due though - Elton John cheers me up because nothing can be quite as bad as Elton John. What with the sycophantic celebrity lovin', the narcissistic preening and the Diana candle mongering.........and the way he treats his bitch David Furnish (who is actually a filmmaker), why, how mean can a man be?......... boy, any day seems brighter when I think how glad I was to leave that Holland Park mansion in one piece and managed to get across the MOR to safety.
I'm not so sure he wrote the songs either....