I'm a bit of a one for going for the extremes, I've been tee-total for a few quite long periods in my life, over both my 19th and 21st birthdays I was off it and loved being off it but I've also been on it and been on it to the point where friends and family were proper worried about me. (possibly because of the other things I was doing when I was drunk).
Nowadays I really can't be arsed with the getting drunk part of drinking, like, I really just don't see the point/attraction of it but I actually like love a lot of alchoholic drinks, Belgian beers for example and I also hate drinking £2 cans of coke or watery gunned soft drinks when I'm out so I sometimes find it difficult to stay off the booze just because it's the nicer option.
I'm a bit of a one for going for the extremes, I've been tee-total for a few quite long periods in my life, over both my 19th and 21st birthdays I was off it and loved being off it but I've also been on it and been on it to the point where friends and family were proper worried about me. (possibly because of the other things I was doing when I was drunk).
Nowadays I really can't be arsed with the getting drunk part of drinking, like, I really just don't see the point/attraction of it but I actually
likelove a lot of alchoholic drinks, Belgian beers for example and I also hate drinking £2 cans of coke or watery gunned soft drinks when I'm out so I sometimes find it difficult to stay off the booze just because it's the nicer option.