Speedplay make three models of Zero, starting with the entry level Chromoly axled version, next is the stainless steel, and finally the titanium axled version.
These (at the time of writing) price in at £109.99, £149.99 and £259.99 respectively.
The titanium axle is also slightly shorter than the other two, by around 2mm.
The pedal body itself is the same between all the pedal types, only the axle material changes, so therefore if you wish to upgrade your Chromoly pedals to Titanium you can swap the axles over.
I bought titanium axles from a known manufacturor, who I won't name here but please feel free to PM me if you wish to know. They cost me £45 including shipping and handling.
Get the pedal somewhere nice and secure where it will be easy to work on:
Remove the greaseport screw:
Find another screw that is a similar diameter but longer, and screw it in, this will push the greaseport cap out of the pedal body:
You will then be able to see the axle retaining screw, which is a Torx T20:
This screw is held in with ferocious loctite, and you'll strip the screw and need to drill it out if you don't break the bond.
To do this, you need to heat the screw beyond 150 degrees.
I put a bit in the screw:
And then introduced some fire:
Keep the torch on the bit until it glows red hot, then remove the bit USING A TOOL, and put it to one side, then remove the screw:
Pop the body of the pedal off, leaving the old axle (note the rubber washer, you'll need to move that from the old axle to the new one):
The two axles:
Move the rubber ring over, then grease the section of the axle which will go into the pedal body, pop the body on, then reassemble, using some Loctite 243 on the axle retaining screw to stop it coming loose.
Put the greaseport cap in, then flush the bearings through with fresh grease- when it comes out around the rubber seal then stop.
Screw the greaseport screw back in, and you are done.
Speedplay make three models of Zero, starting with the entry level Chromoly axled version, next is the stainless steel, and finally the titanium axled version.
These (at the time of writing) price in at £109.99, £149.99 and £259.99 respectively.
The titanium axle is also slightly shorter than the other two, by around 2mm.
The pedal body itself is the same between all the pedal types, only the axle material changes, so therefore if you wish to upgrade your Chromoly pedals to Titanium you can swap the axles over.
I bought titanium axles from a known manufacturor, who I won't name here but please feel free to PM me if you wish to know. They cost me £45 including shipping and handling.
Get the pedal somewhere nice and secure where it will be easy to work on:
Remove the greaseport screw:
Find another screw that is a similar diameter but longer, and screw it in, this will push the greaseport cap out of the pedal body:
You will then be able to see the axle retaining screw, which is a Torx T20:
This screw is held in with ferocious loctite, and you'll strip the screw and need to drill it out if you don't break the bond.
To do this, you need to heat the screw beyond 150 degrees.
I put a bit in the screw:
And then introduced some fire:
Keep the torch on the bit until it glows red hot, then remove the bit USING A TOOL, and put it to one side, then remove the screw:
Pop the body of the pedal off, leaving the old axle (note the rubber washer, you'll need to move that from the old axle to the new one):
The two axles:
Move the rubber ring over, then grease the section of the axle which will go into the pedal body, pop the body on, then reassemble, using some Loctite 243 on the axle retaining screw to stop it coming loose.
Put the greaseport cap in, then flush the bearings through with fresh grease- when it comes out around the rubber seal then stop.
Screw the greaseport screw back in, and you are done.
You've gone from standard Cromoly pedals:
To some with nice new titanium axles:
Here is the link to the official instructions, with torque values: http://www.speedplay.com/pubs/instructions/ZEROSystemInstructions20100713.pdf