get a 400mm length of 22mm copper central heating pipe, cut 150mm cross slots in it, then flare these 4 ends out slightly. secure the frame at the lugs or headtube. insert the tool into headtube and engage the 4 ends against cup lip. give a smartish tap or two with a 1 or 1.5lb hammer and the cup will drop out
turn headtube round and resecure, repeat on remaining cup
get a 400mm length of 22mm copper central heating pipe, cut 150mm cross slots in it, then flare these 4 ends out slightly. secure the frame at the lugs or headtube. insert the tool into headtube and engage the 4 ends against cup lip. give a smartish tap or two with a 1 or 1.5lb hammer and the cup will drop out
turn headtube round and resecure, repeat on remaining cup