Straightforward day. Long, but much easier to endure than Christmas stodge and marathon games of Risk. I've gone for less challenging routes than on previous trips, this one's just about being outside in winter, rather than hunting down crazy terrain. It's all flat from here on in.
Ride supported so far by the audiobook of Steve Job's biograpy.
Digs are a bit Spartan. I'm currently laying on the floor of a YHA camping barn, drying my socks on a portable gas heater. Nobody else about.
Might reign it in a bit tomorrow, having just seen the forecast (shite), leaving another long day Saturday, hopefully rolling to a stop at a New Year's dinner with friends in South London.
Bit late to the party, but Christmas is finally in the bag so I figured I'd finish the festive season on a bike.
Edinburgh to Richmond, Yorkshire
Straightforward day. Long, but much easier to endure than Christmas stodge and marathon games of Risk. I've gone for less challenging routes than on previous trips, this one's just about being outside in winter, rather than hunting down crazy terrain. It's all flat from here on in.
Ride supported so far by the audiobook of Steve Job's biograpy.
Digs are a bit Spartan. I'm currently laying on the floor of a YHA camping barn, drying my socks on a portable gas heater. Nobody else about.
Might reign it in a bit tomorrow, having just seen the forecast (shite), leaving another long day Saturday, hopefully rolling to a stop at a New Year's dinner with friends in South London.
Blah de blah.