According to Sheldon (praise be unto him) it doesn't actually matter how many punctures you get in your tyre until said punctures start threatening the integrity of the inner fabric. See this page:
Basically if you've got a pebble digging into your tyre but it hasn't actually ruptured straight through, it can be dug out and the hole ignored - if it has completely ruptured it, use a tyre boot as the other guys say, but if it a tyre boot won't save whatever you've done to it, it's time to replace the whole tyre. No need for superglue in any case.
According to Sheldon (praise be unto him) it doesn't actually matter how many punctures you get in your tyre until said punctures start threatening the integrity of the inner fabric. See this page:
Basically if you've got a pebble digging into your tyre but it hasn't actually ruptured straight through, it can be dug out and the hole ignored - if it has completely ruptured it, use a tyre boot as the other guys say, but if it a tyre boot won't save whatever you've done to it, it's time to replace the whole tyre. No need for superglue in any case.