• #202
• #203
It's now being sent off to the chaps who have recently been doing Ricky Feather's paint ... their stuff looks stunning. Delivery is likely to be in about 3 weeks (I've only waited a year already ...).
Can we postpone the ride for a month ;)
• #204
- Object.
- Lady Doom
- Jonny
- Cornelius Blackfoot
- Hoke
- JD
- JAH Tim
- ms.chris
- dublinkevin
- Hillbilly
- Mrs_socks
- cliveo
- bothwell
- ChainBreaker
- lazysuperhero
- Cafewanda
- scherrit
- stiff link
- svnlto
- conker (ian)
- lardboy
- LittleHeather
- laner
- Brave
- Mrs Brave
- cf
- mrs cf
- Big Dave
- Itsbruce
- Kojack(Hicks)
- Crumb
- middleofnowhere
- alien (better than 50:50)
- Aroogah
- L&W
- Jacqui
- Deluka
- Quad
- eyebrows (73% chance)
- Digger
- jenny j
- Samuelson
- dogpants - first timer
- gios78
- Dashing Prancing Jingle Bells James
- Merry (well we can hope) Miss Mouse
- Bluefleet
- Macca85
- WillRiseley
Unfortunately I am out. Will be a taxi service for most of the day for different members of the family :(
- Object.
• #205
- Object.
- Lady Doom
- Jonny
- Cornelius Blackfoot
- Hoke
- JD
- JAH Tim
- ms.chris
- dublinkevin
- Hillbilly
- Mrs_socks
- cliveo
- Hilly Ben
- bothwell
- ChainBreaker
- lazysuperhero
- Cafewanda
- scherrit
- stiff link
- svnlto
- conker (ian)
- lardboy
- LittleHeather
- laner
- Brave
- Mrs Brave
- cf
- mrs cf
- Big Dave
- Itsbruce
- Kojack(Hicks)
- Crumb
- middleofnowhere
- alien (better than 50:50)
- Aroogah
- L&W
- Jacqui
- Deluka
- Quad
- eyebrows (73% chance)
- Digger
- jenny j
- Samuelson
- dogpants - first timer
- gios78
- Dashing Prancing Jingle Bells James
- Merry (well we can hope) Miss Mouse
- Bluefleet
- Macca85
- WillRiseley
lucky me
- Object.
• #206
- Object.
- Lady Doom
- Jonny
- Cornelius Blackfoot
- Hoke
- JD
- JAH Tim
- ms.chris
- dublinkevin
- Hillbilly
- Mrs_socks
- cliveo
- Hilly Ben
- bothwell
- ChainBreaker
- lazysuperhero
- Cafewanda
- scherrit
- stiff link
- svnlto
- conker (ian)
- lardboy
- LittleHeather
- laner
- Brave
- Mrs Brave
- cf
- mrs cf
- Big Dave
- Itsbruce
- Kojack(Hicks)
- middleofnowhere
- alien (better than 50:50)
- Aroogah
- L&W
- Jacqui
- Deluka
- Quad
- eyebrows (73% chance)
- Digger
- jenny j
- Samuelson
- dogpants - first timer
- gios78
- Dashing Prancing Jingle Bells James
- Merry (well we can hope) Miss Mouse
- Bluefleet
- Macca85
- WillRiseley
Number 32, Crumb, is out unfortunately, was talking to him about it earlier at polo.
- Object.
• #207
W/SW types, anyone going to be riding in via Wandsworth town type area? - would be nice to have some company en route, or even better, to have someone to come and hammer on my door and make sure I drag my sorry ass out of bed
• #208
one of me favourite rides - I'm going to target this as me 'ooooh all me bones have knitted back together - wahey' ride
Exactly the same reason im tempted to do this too....
Im still trawling through the pages...any idea of mileage? My bones might not be quite ready for a long one by next week...
Ignore that^ its a social dip in dip out.....
• #209
It's a really social ride at a slow friendly pace. From memory my mileage last year including to and from the start and where we diped out was around 28 miles.
I had some bike issues last year which resulted in the choice of carbon road bike or BMX. I chose the latter.
• #211
Let me clear that up for you. It's pronounced object.
• #212
Nope, it's pronounced 'Object'.
• #213
Nope, it's pronounced 'Object'.
I object!
• #214
As my day to day bike has been nicked, I expect I'll be on the alu/carbon Wilier. A bit of overkill considering the ride, but the alternative is my hybrid that I've been fucking around with for months, but hasn't been rideable since Feb. I still need to make it SS with a conversion kit and singleator, chop the chain down to size, true the wheels and adjust the brakes which squeal horribly. Not likely to get done in a week given that I'm at work all week with an interview on Wednesday and the Xmas party on Thursday.
• #215
^ so carbon/alu wilier be it! As long as you're not one of those "aw, not goin' out cos there's a puddle somewhere in london" types!
• #216
^ so carbon/alu wilier be it! As long as you're not one of those "aw, not goin' out cos there's a puddle somewhere in london" types!
I'm not, but LittleHeather is, and it's both of us or neither. Weather forecast is good so fingers crossed: http://www.weather.com/weather/wxdetail/UKXX0085?dayNum=7
• #217
Nope, it's pronounced 'CUNT!'.
That's more like it.
• #218
I'm not, but LittleHeather is....
Yep, sorry. He speaks the truth there. Forecast looks like it's a goer though!
• #219
But it's happened to us all, the puddle thing.
• #220
W/SW types, anyone going to be riding in via Wandsworth town type area? - would be nice to have some company en route, or even better, to have someone to come and hammer on my door and make sure I drag my sorry ass out of bed
I can do that, Jenny. and I''ll take slot 32.
- Object.
- Lady Doom
- Jonny
- Cornelius Blackfoot
- Hoke
- JD
- JAH Tim
- ms.chris
- dublinkevin
- Hillbilly
- Mrs_socks
- cliveo
- Hilly Ben
- bothwell
- ChainBreaker
- lazysuperhero
- Cafewanda
- scherrit
- stiff link
- svnlto
- conker (ian)
- lardboy
- LittleHeather
- laner
- Brave
- Mrs Brave
- cf
- mrs cf
- Big Dave
- Itsbruce
- Kojack(Hicks)
- non-Drop needles.
- middleofnowhere
- alien (better than 50:50)
- Aroogah
- L&W
- Jacqui
- Deluka
- Quad
- eyebrows (73% chance)
- Digger
- jenny j
- Samuelson
- dogpants - first timer
- gios78
- Dashing Prancing Jingle Bells James
- Merry (well we can hope) Miss Mouse
- Bluefleet
- Macca85
- WillRiseley
- Object.
• #221
^^ serves him right for riding on the pavement
• #222
And not wearing a helmet
• #223
don't talk to me about helmets
• #224
Ian, I'll leave you to decide what it "Object" means.
Hillbilly. Yes.
Day-Moe, You owe me something for losing your bet.
I'm guessing 4 pages.
• #225
I'll leave you to decide what it "Object" means.
It's the short version of obstreperous. Obviously.
I was really hoping I'd have the new Demon for this ride, it's just back from the painters and he's not happy with the paint ... :-(