This article annoyed me today, not just because Kopi Luwak is not actually very nice coffee, or because at around £100 per kilo a £70 cup (made with precisely 7g - sic) is a piss take, but mainly because the rising popularity of this novel but average coffee has resulted in the battery farming of the Civet cat in Indonesia where they are fed large amounts of coffee cherries (oh, so they don't get to choose the finest cherries then?) in order to harvest their shit. Not a product to glamorise IMO.
This article annoyed me today, not just because Kopi Luwak is not actually very nice coffee, or because at around £100 per kilo a £70 cup (made with precisely 7g - sic) is a piss take, but mainly because the rising popularity of this novel but average coffee has resulted in the battery farming of the Civet cat in Indonesia where they are fed large amounts of coffee cherries (oh, so they don't get to choose the finest cherries then?) in order to harvest their shit. Not a product to glamorise IMO.