Today, n00b motorcyclist who kept blocking gaps when he realised at the last second he couldn't fit, riding much too close to me for my liking, accelerating really quickly from the lights and then meandering all over the road much slower than me but making it difficult to overtake. Finally got past him but when I went to overtake a taxi, he was sitting just alongside my back wheel so I couldn't move out, got enraged and ducked down the inside of the taxi instead without looking. Piled straight into a plastic barrier blocking off some drain works. Cue much laughter from myself, at myself, and from many peds. I is stupid...
Today, n00b motorcyclist who kept blocking gaps when he realised at the last second he couldn't fit, riding much too close to me for my liking, accelerating really quickly from the lights and then meandering all over the road much slower than me but making it difficult to overtake. Finally got past him but when I went to overtake a taxi, he was sitting just alongside my back wheel so I couldn't move out, got enraged and ducked down the inside of the taxi instead without looking. Piled straight into a plastic barrier blocking off some drain works. Cue much laughter from myself, at myself, and from many peds. I is stupid...