• Nice bike appoloxl and great colour choice!
    Couldn't find any Bocama stamps on the lugs, so I'm back to the assumption that they're prugnat!
    Both our bikes have very similar seatstay lugs and close serial numbers - it's a good chance they're from the same (unknown) source!!!
    Still can't rule out Gazelle as they made very similar looking road & track frames with both Bocama & Prugnat lugs! I think I'll take some decent photos and fire them over to fivenineclimber - I've also recently spotted this one which bears a striking resemblance - http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4019/4280508047_88d46d2f4e.jpg

    re: 100archangels comment - I checked the BB lug/chainstay joint in daylight this morning - everything looks to be straight - I suspect it's a close-up distortion from the ancient nokia camera!
