Got this Thomson Elite X4 50mm 31.8mm clamp stem only 3 weeks ago to go with my current project, fitted it and took it for a ride before deciding to go on a completely different track with my project and ordered a 100mm version thinking to send this back for refund, only to find on removing it that it had a tiny scratch on the inside of the steerer clamp.
Apart from that, its in perfect condition and is literally only 3 weeks old tomorrow! I have original receipt from chain reaction and the Thomson baggy it came in.
Cheapest I could find new was £60 and Ebay about £40 as the set min before bidding! So I reckon offering it to you guys for £40 ono before I stick on the bay meself. Open to sensible offers.
I'm based out west of Greater London (kinda) in Ashford, Middlesex, near junction 1 of the M3. Can be bribed to meet somewhere closer to London, possibly drinks at west pub night, as I've been thinking of joining in.
PM me.
Sorry about quality of photos, only got my phone cam. :P
Got this Thomson Elite X4 50mm 31.8mm clamp stem only 3 weeks ago to go with my current project, fitted it and took it for a ride before deciding to go on a completely different track with my project and ordered a 100mm version thinking to send this back for refund, only to find on removing it that it had a tiny scratch on the inside of the steerer clamp.
Apart from that, its in perfect condition and is literally only 3 weeks old tomorrow! I have original receipt from chain reaction and the Thomson baggy it came in.
Cheapest I could find new was £60 and Ebay about £40 as the set min before bidding! So I reckon offering it to you guys for £40 ono before I stick on the bay meself. Open to sensible offers.
I'm based out west of Greater London (kinda) in Ashford, Middlesex, near junction 1 of the M3. Can be bribed to meet somewhere closer to London, possibly drinks at west pub night, as I've been thinking of joining in.
PM me.
Sorry about quality of photos, only got my phone cam. :P
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