See, I am trying to sell him the idea of a Brompton, but he says it doesn't look "sporty" enough, I think he wants MOAR GEARZZ... sigh.
It's his money, and his choice. If he has asked your advice give it, then leave it up to him. If a sportier bike will get him using it more then that's a good thing.
Points in favour of Brompton:
The design has been around for almost 40 years.
Loads of options (1-6 speed)
If he want's sportier he should buy a sports hybrid or a road bike. You can get the faster thinner tyres, and the flat bar. Plus remove the mudgaurds.
Best re-sale of any folding bike.
Best design.
Every person I have ever heard who has used one rates and recommends them.
In fairness to the one you posted, it looks like a similar fold up mechanism to the Brompton, and the parts seem fine. But as I said the gears seem excessive. £800 RRP seems like madness, but for sub-£500 I'm sure it's fine.
It's his money, and his choice. If he has asked your advice give it, then leave it up to him. If a sportier bike will get him using it more then that's a good thing.
Points in favour of Brompton:
In fairness to the one you posted, it looks like a similar fold up mechanism to the Brompton, and the parts seem fine. But as I said the gears seem excessive. £800 RRP seems like madness, but for sub-£500 I'm sure it's fine.
I'd just sooner have a real bike or a Brompton.