haha i have never spent my commute dodging imagined bus-toasters, i'm too busy not dying and panting like a fool :(
it may well be normal though, i might just have a particularly undeveloped imagination
or maybe you're the weird one? think of it as a gift
also that wikipedia article on proboscis monkeys is gold!
"When soliciting, both sexes will make a pouted face. In addition, males will sometimes vocalize and females will present her backside to a male.[20][9][21] Copulating pairs are sometimes harassed by sub-adults.[20] Proboscis monkey may also engage in non-reproductive mounting, such as playful and same-sex mounting.[21] Gestation usually last 166-200 days or slightly more.[21] Births tend to take place at night or in the early morning. The mother then eats the placenta and licks her infant clean."
haha i have never spent my commute dodging imagined bus-toasters, i'm too busy not dying and panting like a fool :(
it may well be normal though, i might just have a particularly undeveloped imagination
or maybe you're the weird one? think of it as a gift
also that wikipedia article on proboscis monkeys is gold!
"When soliciting, both sexes will make a pouted face. In addition, males will sometimes vocalize and females will present her backside to a male.[20][9][21] Copulating pairs are sometimes harassed by sub-adults.[20] Proboscis monkey may also engage in non-reproductive mounting, such as playful and same-sex mounting.[21] Gestation usually last 166-200 days or slightly more.[21] Births tend to take place at night or in the early morning. The mother then eats the placenta and licks her infant clean."
The last sentence made me a bit sick though