hmmm interesting. I'll continue to monitor how I feel and I was also planning on chatting to James (TP organiser) to ask his advice too.
As it is when I set out my primary goal was injury prevention because (a) I realise the training would be tough and (b) because I realised the race would be tough. I want to do this but not at the expense of wrecking myself permanently. I'm currently feeling a little sore so the today and tomorrow will just be stretching, Thursday and Friday I'll be on a plane and hopefully I'll get some running in on Sat/Sun before hardcore conference time for the next week. You know how it is- the best laid plans and all that...
So, Saturday and Sunday... Anyone got any recommendations for trail running around Auckland? I'm staying in the city and have no transport so would have to rely on public transport.
hmmm interesting. I'll continue to monitor how I feel and I was also planning on chatting to James (TP organiser) to ask his advice too.
As it is when I set out my primary goal was injury prevention because (a) I realise the training would be tough and (b) because I realised the race would be tough. I want to do this but not at the expense of wrecking myself permanently. I'm currently feeling a little sore so the today and tomorrow will just be stretching, Thursday and Friday I'll be on a plane and hopefully I'll get some running in on Sat/Sun before hardcore conference time for the next week. You know how it is- the best laid plans and all that...
So, Saturday and Sunday... Anyone got any recommendations for trail running around Auckland? I'm staying in the city and have no transport so would have to rely on public transport.