• #27
Rail'n'sail FTW.
• #28
So when is the next one?
• #29
bah too short notice,
next one -
• #31
They are all short notice ... polo for the unemployed jet set
• #32
Take free on monday, arrive on saturday and relax
• #33
That's my plan.
It's my one free weekend until mid Jan, so I'm seriously considering it.
• #34
Where is the court? Indoor or outdoor?
• #35
Where is the court? Indoor or outdoor?
It's fully covered, not complete indoor but weather proof.
• #36
Where is the court? Indoor or outdoor?
Eindhoven, NL (http://maps.google.nl/maps?saddr=51.439711,5.455087&daddr=Sint+Trudostraat,+5616+Eindhoven&hl=nl&sll=51.439621,5.45545&sspn=0.00108,0.00283&geocode=%3BCSlyF4_5IbPYFUPlEAMdFjxTACkLrC_0ctnGRzEfsvoNdafRLQ&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=0&sz=19&t=h&z=19), for football fans, next to the Philips stadium of PSV.
It's quite the same court, half open on two sides, like in Konstanz for the Imperia tourney, same smooth surface, boarding and dimensions apparently.
• #37
Looks good
• #38
That's my plan.
(...) so I'm seriously considering it.
I hope you can make it this time.
BTW, if you come, could you please bring as distribution guy of LHBPA some hockey balls from Harvey? Would be nice.
• #39
Depends how much would fit into my luggage, I could bring a few.
If you want a lot then it's best to order them straight from Harvey.
• #40
I am pretty Keen for this if someone wants to form a team....would need to know by friday so i can book the day off work monday.
• #41
Anyone want to make a team with Josh and me?
• #42
Teams so far:
- EHVFXD (Eindhoven NL)
- Guacapolo (Brussel BE)
- 3P (BIelefeld DE)
- Guacapolo (Brussel BE)
- Dub Out (Utrecht/Amsterdam NL)
- 321bpm (Münster DE)
- The Rat Pack (Münster DE)
- Paris 1 (Paris FR)
- Paris 2 (Paris FR)
- L'amicale (Brussel BE)
- 321bpm (Münster DE)
For participation, please shoot an email to taka@ehvfxd.net
- EHVFXD (Eindhoven NL)
• #43
Anyone want to make a team with Josh and me?
To John H:
You can contact Dan Lachman (from Brussel's Team L'Amicale, which is out since today), he would like now to join your team, if you're still goin'.
He's not on facebook or lfgss.com, so he ask me to give you his email, if you want.
Let me know.
Cheers! -
• #44
yeah, it's too late now really, flights are £200, which is too much for one days polo.
Next time.
• #45
I've been told the Amsterdam tournament may be on the weekend of the 21st/22nd January.
It's not confirmed though, but just wanted to give a heads up.
I'm up for it.
• #46
A week earlier and I would be in, meh...
• #47
despite my coursewwork all being due in the week after this, i'm well in for this
and as we discussed last night i think the rest of HGS are
• #48
So we finally got the news, Beneligue #4 is definitely happening in Amsterdam on the 21st (open polo) and 22nd (the actual tournament) of Januari. Of course you are also welcome to join us on friday for the buildup of the court. I hope some of you still have the option to join us!
More information on registration will follow tomorrow!
• #49
Noooo, it clashes with the Beer Cage open.
Serious Polo in Amsterdam vs Fun Polo in London...
• #50
Team EHVFXD needs a third for this.
You will play with Lorenzo and Jamal.
Ryanair is £135 return with bike, Stansted -> Eindhoven,