• Thanks for posting that bethandr. Interesting reading. I've often felt that way about cycle lanes and absolutely hate cycle lanes which share the carriageway with other vehicles. I think they are a massive mistake in road planning. They create the perception that cyclists belong exclusively in demarked areas and are wrong to cycle more defensively. They also promote a misguided sense of safety amoung certain riders. They also promote undertaking of both dangerous vehicles and other riders.

    I also concur that on occasion it is safer to 'pre-empt' a light and move off before an HGV has the opportunity to place you under undue pressure. This is how I personally approach it and I'm sure I'm overdue a fine for doing it.

    Funny, I was riding over Tower Bridge today* and tried to overtake a vehicle but he would not move over to the left at all pushing me to the wrong side of the road. Cue hand gesticulations and muted swearing both ways as I eventually pass him. I manged to talk to him as we were both still moving. "How am I meant to know where you're going? You all over-take on the left and the right. I don't know."

    It ended well but he's spot on, there's no universal understanding from cyclists of road craft. That and the infastructure sucking you to the left means this confusion/ignorance will continue ad infinitum.


    • Arguably I shouldn't be overtaking there due to the low speed limit.