So, I've been packing to move out today and came across a file of drawings from a while ago. Amongst them was a set of drawings I did for Brooks/Vans to illustrate some design ideas they had. I've thrown out most of the working sketches but these (see below) make quite a nice set. There are six, showing the Era and Slip-on in plan, elevation and 3/4 views. They're original drawings, in black ink on tracing paper.
Any Vans fanboys interested in taking them off my hands in exchange for a few beer tokens? Otherwise they'll just go back in my box of miscellaneous scribblings, never to see light of day again. £10 posted?
So, I've been packing to move out today and came across a file of drawings from a while ago. Amongst them was a set of drawings I did for Brooks/Vans to illustrate some design ideas they had. I've thrown out most of the working sketches but these (see below) make quite a nice set. There are six, showing the Era and Slip-on in plan, elevation and 3/4 views. They're original drawings, in black ink on tracing paper.
Any Vans fanboys interested in taking them off my hands in exchange for a few beer tokens? Otherwise they'll just go back in my box of miscellaneous scribblings, never to see light of day again. £10 posted?
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