So I've cocked up big time and need some help! I've basically screwed up my hackintosh install and need to restore it with a Lion USB. The problem is before I do this I need to run a little program called Unibeaston a Mac which installs a little bit of extra stuff onto the USB so it will boot on my PC. This is a problem because I just sold my hackintosh laptop to eyebrows, so I have no other Mac.
Nobody I know has a Mac (as far as I know) so could I use someone's Mac to do this? They'll be beer or cake in it for you, plus eternal gratitude...
So I've cocked up big time and need some help! I've basically screwed up my hackintosh install and need to restore it with a Lion USB. The problem is before I do this I need to run a little program called Unibeast on a Mac which installs a little bit of extra stuff onto the USB so it will boot on my PC. This is a problem because I just sold my hackintosh laptop to eyebrows, so I have no other Mac.
Nobody I know has a Mac (as far as I know) so could I use someone's Mac to do this? They'll be beer or cake in it for you, plus eternal gratitude...