Are you suggesting just chucking dry beans into a slow cooker without soaking?
Blanket advice,no. It depends on the bean/pulse in question, but the general amount of faff is usually reduced. I always at least wash the pulses, some get a short soak, others more work.
Soaking beans isn't just about re-hydrating them, it also starts the germination process which makes them sweeter and changes the texture (less floury)
And slow cooking changes the equation again. Any recipe not expressly designed for a slow cooker needs some adaptation and experimentation.
Blanket advice,no. It depends on the bean/pulse in question, but the general amount of faff is usually reduced. I always at least wash the pulses, some get a short soak, others more work.
And slow cooking changes the equation again. Any recipe not expressly designed for a slow cooker needs some adaptation and experimentation.