andyp, that flick for the goal against newcastle is amazing, and he knew what he was doing, and where he wanted to get to, but what gets me is teh commentator's lack of awareness of what is going on, how he's so far behind the intentions. As if not knowing how skillful Bergkamp can be, he can't see the possibilities.
Or it could just be that it's commentary from a highlights package..
Those touches are what make football beautiful, just the awareness and the knowledge that if you do this, touch/control/flick/whatever you've envisaged in your head, could/would lead to this opportunity. I just love the improvision of it all. How what you can do is dictated by what is happening around you, and so every situation is different, every flourish is different and unique, and unrecreatable (is that even a real word), and makes it even more amazing that they actually occur...
Mark Lawrenson claimed it was lucky on MoTD. What a total cretin that man is.
I completely agree on the second paragraph, it truly is the beautiful game.
Mark Lawrenson claimed it was lucky on MoTD. What a total cretin that man is.
I completely agree on the second paragraph, it truly is the beautiful game.