• Last Tuesday evening (1st Nov), roughly 6pm, there was an accident involving a cyclist on Haymarket nr the junction with Charles II Street. I arrived just after the event, so didn't see what happened - the rider was out cold on the deck. When police arrived, they dumped his bike some yards away at the side of the road. My only experience of a serious accident is a bike nearly going missing at hospital so I volunteered to keep it safe in my nearby office and the police/ambo people would make sure he got my details. I rode past a bit later - the rider was being treated and said he would call me

    Having heard nothing since, I am rather concerned communication broke down somewhere and indeed whether I did the right thing in the first place.... I found this forum whislt wondering what to do - the bike is a fixed gear bob jackson frame, with single front brake and clipless pedals, size medium-ish. Damage is minimal, I think: the front wheel looks a bit dodgy.

    So, if you the rider are on here, then first of all I hope very much that you are OK and please get in touch. If anyone else reading knows who this might be, please post. I really, really want to get the bike back to its owner and am a bit stuck, hence this appeal. Any other ideas would also be appreciated

    Thanks for reading
