• Having to cycle when I dont feel like it kinda takes the fun out of it

    Cycling with a cold / flu

    Cycling related injuries that arnt actually visible so people just think your moaning

    Low wages (someone else mentioned that so I'll plus one it)

    People who arn't couriers who clearly don't cycle very much having all the best gear when it would really help me to have an expensive line of clothing or comfy waterproof shoes in December instead of beat up old skate shoes

    All the bitchiness and politics

    Cars, buses and bikes in my way

    Not enough friendly hot girls riding bikes - the ones I've met on my travels are all up their own arse or maybe my standards are way too high or maybe I should wash more which is very hard when your a courier and an hour into your day you get covered in shit from riding through The Mall.

    Police horse shit every where - clean up after your horse, cops.

    Good gear costing too much

    Buying new stuff only to have it break

    Getting stuff nicked

    fuck that should do sorry guys and gals didnt mean to rant on and on
