Sainsburys are just price establishing obsessed fucktards. So if a litre of Baileys is now half price at a tenner that must mean that a week or two ago it was £20. Twenty quid for a litre of Baileys !!!!! Actual conversation with man in Londis last night: "How much is your litre of Baileys?"
"Is that on a deal?"
"No, it's always £13.99. I mean like ALWAYS."
"So it's never er, say £20?"
"Don't be fucking stupid, how on earth could you charge £20 ? You wouldn't fucking sell any."
Sainsburys are just price establishing obsessed fucktards. So if a litre of Baileys is now half price at a tenner that must mean that a week or two ago it was £20. Twenty quid for a litre of Baileys !!!!! Actual conversation with man in Londis last night: "How much is your litre of Baileys?"
"Is that on a deal?"
"No, it's always £13.99. I mean like ALWAYS."
"So it's never er, say £20?"
"Don't be fucking stupid, how on earth could you charge £20 ? You wouldn't fucking sell any."
Sainsburys, price manipulating cock wipes.