I've been trying to get in touch with Harvey to prepay for some balls for you guys to collect from Cambridge out of the money i got from Paul. If i can't get hold of him to do that can someone buy a set of 6? and i can repay them as soon as they're back in MCR... ta
right i've just paypalled him £20, can someone get 6x balls, Pink ideally, if not maybe white or blue? use your judgement, but no yellow ones please...!
I've been trying to get in touch with Harvey to prepay for some balls for you guys to collect from Cambridge out of the money i got from Paul. If i can't get hold of him to do that can someone buy a set of 6? and i can repay them as soon as they're back in MCR... taright i've just paypalled him £20, can someone get 6x balls, Pink ideally, if not maybe white or blue? use your judgement, but no yellow ones please...!