thanks very much for the heads up Mr Bump, thanks for keeping your eyes open, i have a saved search on ebay but strangely this didn't show.
I cannot say how annoyed i was when i saw it had been taken, 6 garages had been done at the same time, only the ones with a garage defender had been left alone(got one now.. horse stable door etc), and they had left a pashley and 3 specialized bikes alone and just took the bianchi...hen's teeth as well.
The ebay one is not the stolen one, but i'm going to bid on it .
thanks very much for the heads up Mr Bump, thanks for keeping your eyes open, i have a saved search on ebay but strangely this didn't show.
I cannot say how annoyed i was when i saw it had been taken, 6 garages had been done at the same time, only the ones with a garage defender had been left alone(got one now.. horse stable door etc), and they had left a pashley and 3 specialized bikes alone and just took the bianchi...hen's teeth as well.
The ebay one is not the stolen one, but i'm going to bid on it .