What time period do you predict before you begin to get any returns from your project?
What kind of money do you need to live on for that period?
If you can quantify that and say you need, say £1000 a month could you get loans from family and friends who believe in you (And you do have a track record of getting things up and running)?
Is this dev work going to be full time? You may feel less conflicted about claiming Job seekers allowance even if you were only seeking very part time work to tide you through this period
What time period do you predict before you begin to get any returns from your project?
What kind of money do you need to live on for that period?
If you can quantify that and say you need, say £1000 a month could you get loans from family and friends who believe in you (And you do have a track record of getting things up and running)?
Is this dev work going to be full time? You may feel less conflicted about claiming Job seekers allowance even if you were only seeking very part time work to tide you through this period