• #2
Incoming mergatron.....
Depends on how long you have them on for each day ? I don't find their battery life any better or worse than similar CR-2032 powered lights.
I'd question though why you're riding with them on in the day time ?
• #3
He's in Sweden.
• #4
Hippy's in Sweden? The mergatron does not respect international boundaries.
• #5
day time riding = not using them too much at the moment. cos its eh, daytime.
Come proper winter when its mainly dark on my commute, its going to be even worse -
• #7
battery life on knogs is utter shit.. in fact I'd go as far as saying they're shit lights that die after being in the rain for 20 mins. It doesn't help that knog's turn on very easily by themselves in a bag - 50% of the time I open my bag the fucker is blinking away in there.
I've probably put 3 sets of AAA's in my big front Knog in the last 3 months (and I do minimal night riding / no commuting)- by contrast rear cateye light has the same batteries I put in it at the beginning of last winter.
• #8
The Knogs are great for back-up but otherwise that it.
miles better than their first attempt which was worringly ineffective at being seen by others.
• #9
• #10
hopes are so expensive though..
Those cateye's are so awesome. My latest one has lasted 5 years - the one before lasted 4, (it even kept working after being run over by 3 london buses! Rad)
• #11
the only light you'll ever need dan... also xmas is coming...
my cateye rear is 6 years old.
Anyone else find Knog Frog lights battery life is shite?
seem to change the battery on front or rear every 3-4 weeks, and that's mainly day time riding. Once the clocks go im gonna need Duracell sponsorship to stay on the road.