• Half the reason we're in such a pickle with architecture in this country is because of naysaying, suspicious, negative cunts who always think someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Not to mention our comprehensively fucked planning system. Not to mention our fucking backward construction industry. The idea that architects are responsible for bad quality mass architecture is laughable; do you know what percentage of building undertaken in the UK actually involves architects? Yes, there are still orthodox modernist ideas floating about, with their visionary tabula rasa utopias, especially in the over-zealous environment of architecture schools, but things have been getting much, much better in recent years. There is a lot to be very optimistic about and there are extremely hard-working, sensitive graduates leaving universities every year (to face an industry where you're expected to work all hours for the greater good for fuck all money, if you manage to get a job).

    I'm surprised how many people here are satisfied with their glib, ill-informed, stereotyped views.
