Looking to build up something rideable from all the spare bits I've got lying around. Need the following:
Seatpost; 25.4mm
Saddle (bike might end up going to my (female) flatmate, so something lady-friendly would be ideal)
13t sprocket
Rubber bar grips for standard road diameter bars (not bmx)
Road-type flat pedals
Tyres - probably something around 700x28
If anyone has anything listed that they're looking to get rid of for a good price send me a PM!
Hey guys,
Looking to build up something rideable from all the spare bits I've got lying around. Need the following:
Seatpost; 25.4mm
Saddle (bike might end up going to my (female) flatmate, so something lady-friendly would be ideal)
13t sprocket
Rubber bar grips for standard road diameter bars (not bmx)
Road-type flat pedals
Tyres - probably something around 700x28
If anyone has anything listed that they're looking to get rid of for a good price send me a PM!