• More plod at Hammersmith, following email has been sent to them.

    "This morning police were at the Hammersmith Gyratory, stopping and fining cyclists for running the red light.
    I perfectly understand this and believe that road traffic laws apply to all road users.
    However I asked the officers if they were going to enforce the ASL. The car in front of me had pulled into the ASL blocking my access to it whilst the lights were red.
    The response was "should we be doing something about all three cars?" as there were 3 cars filling the entire ASL, so I replied yes, it appeared to be part of their job.
    The officers then explained it was not their job. I asked why they were only bothering cyclists, and not enforcing all the infringements that were occuring at the junction. I pointed out that the cars occupying the ASL (and entering it when the lights are red) constitute a safety hazard to cyclists.

    I find their attitude really poor. If you are deploying staff to enforce penalties they should actually be doing so, not selectively targetting a minority of road users."

    Wow.I just had a call from the Met.
    We discussed the potential dangers of cars in ASL’s and that they never seem to be enforced. We covered the particular dangers of cyclists attempting to filter forwards, expecting to end up in the ASL only to find the safe space occupied and that the vehicle may be intending on turning left when the cyclist wishes to proceed straight ahead.
    They are now considering having trainee police officers monitor a junction for ASL encroachment and to explain the dangers to car drivers.

    Could I suggest a few more people report ASL encroachment to the Met? It may well help strengthen the case for enforcing the little green boxes
