Checking in the boards is allowed in some tourneys when the boards are high enough to prevent the "victim" from boarding over. I think there is nothing about or against them in konstanz ruleset, so when we played against Paris Blue socks we thought it was kind of legal, also because greg and hugo spend some time in NA and know how to play this game.
The check on hugo near in the middle of the board from Quentin is hard to call or not. Hugo try to go trought a door who become to be close. The question for me here is not the checkin' on the board but when Quentin did it:
1) good timing, they are both at the same level on the court and Quentin have the right to close the door.
2) Quentin is late, hugo is already gone too far and Quentin come too late on him, so he don't really close a door but just run into hugo
3) there is no rule about timing in checking, if that's not an elbow and stay body body that's fine, so nothing to say.
there is plenty of quesiton about checking, but clearly, when you watch the way boards become to be made, higher and way stronger, all around the world, and first in NA, it become really clear that checkin is or gonna be allowed. If you are next a solid board and know a lil bit your opponent, you know that you gonna get some trouble if you try to go trought without using your body to create a space to go.
For the tail whip, i think that's illegal in a lot of ruleset. But it seems that low speed tailwhip are unoffcially allowed.
The main question is also reffin', if the ref wistle nothing and nobody complain about it on the court (as in Iron ponies vs PBS) there is no real matter in letin' people play the polo they like.
Checking in the boards is allowed in some tourneys when the boards are high enough to prevent the "victim" from boarding over. I think there is nothing about or against them in konstanz ruleset, so when we played against Paris Blue socks we thought it was kind of legal, also because greg and hugo spend some time in NA and know how to play this game.
The check on hugo near in the middle of the board from Quentin is hard to call or not. Hugo try to go trought a door who become to be close. The question for me here is not the checkin' on the board but when Quentin did it:
1) good timing, they are both at the same level on the court and Quentin have the right to close the door.
2) Quentin is late, hugo is already gone too far and Quentin come too late on him, so he don't really close a door but just run into hugo
3) there is no rule about timing in checking, if that's not an elbow and stay body body that's fine, so nothing to say.
there is plenty of quesiton about checking, but clearly, when you watch the way boards become to be made, higher and way stronger, all around the world, and first in NA, it become really clear that checkin is or gonna be allowed. If you are next a solid board and know a lil bit your opponent, you know that you gonna get some trouble if you try to go trought without using your body to create a space to go.
For the tail whip, i think that's illegal in a lot of ruleset. But it seems that low speed tailwhip are unoffcially allowed.
The main question is also reffin', if the ref wistle nothing and nobody complain about it on the court (as in Iron ponies vs PBS) there is no real matter in letin' people play the polo they like.