If someone toots their horn because I am riding towards them on the wrong side of the road then I'd admit I was in the wrong and would gesture that.
I would not tell them to fuck off. I also find it hard to believe they did this because I was breaking some highway code advice on horn usage.
They were actually very lucky that it was me driving and not one of the many wankers who drive around the forest with general disregard to cyclist. I put it down to plain old group mentality on their part...
If someone toots their horn because I am riding towards them on the wrong side of the road then I'd admit I was in the wrong and would gesture that.
I would not tell them to fuck off. I also find it hard to believe they did this because I was breaking some highway code advice on horn usage.
They were actually very lucky that it was me driving and not one of the many wankers who drive around the forest with general disregard to cyclist. I put it down to plain old group mentality on their part...