well this doesn't apply to the particular bit i was talking about, but actually lots of the highway code is law. anything that says you 'should' do something is not the law (but i didn't say anything about whether or not he was breaking the law, just said he was doing something wrong). but any part of the highway code that says you 'must' do something is a law. that's why it quotes the relevant laws, eg the bit immediately after what i quoted:
You MUST NOT use your horn
while stationary on the road
when driving in a built-up area between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.00 am
except when another road user poses a danger.
[Law CUR reg 99]
well this doesn't apply to the particular bit i was talking about, but actually lots of the highway code is law. anything that says you 'should' do something is not the law (but i didn't say anything about whether or not he was breaking the law, just said he was doing something wrong). but any part of the highway code that says you 'must' do something is a law. that's why it quotes the relevant laws, eg the bit immediately after what i quoted:
You MUST NOT use your horn
except when another road user poses a danger.
[Law CUR reg 99]