A chain wears a lot less quick on a single speed your original question is actually not far from the truth look at the plates on the outside and inner plates if there is a lot of play when moving the chain side to side then it is slightly worn. if you leave your worn chain for along time then replace a new chain can be very noisy on a old worn cog or ring but it rally slips on a singlspeed compared to a geared bike just makes a awful racket.
A chain wears a lot less quick on a single speed your original question is actually not far from the truth look at the plates on the outside and inner plates if there is a lot of play when moving the chain side to side then it is slightly worn. if you leave your worn chain for along time then replace a new chain can be very noisy on a old worn cog or ring but it rally slips on a singlspeed compared to a geared bike just makes a awful racket.