• They may be bigger knobs but just read any comments section where there's been an incident involving a cyclist including death: They lack any kind of empathy or humanity.

    I saw a "courrier" RLJ on (south side) London Bridge where it was green for peds, with a woman crossing the road, This bellend semi stops rolls in a circle then decides to just go causing no end of confusion and passes so close to her that she almost fell trying to avoid him. He showed no acknowledgement but a total disregard for her safety and sullied the image of anyone choosing to ride a bike with that action*. Now if no one says anything, what would compel him to address this behaviour?

    We've all seen the lemming like action of our peers whom already stationery think, "fuck it! I'll go too".
    It just takes one irrational, irate motorist to see this in his white van and think: fuck em I'm not going to give that little bit of space that they could do with...

    • I just wished motorists/peds would see 1 prick and 10 others sat at the lights.