OK couldn't find much online about this. I'm replacing a spoke on a Ksyrium SL wheel.
Ksyrium wheels used to have a small spoke nipple size (5mm dia). Replacement spokes use the larger size (6mm dia) which fits the PA FV 1 or 2 tool (written on the plastic tool).
Looks like this:
but in plastic (I know, I've ordered the metal one, don't worry). I've got about 10 of these, fat lot of use.
Which key for the old (smaller) nipples?
Is it this one?
or does that do the same job?
I removed the old one with a set of pliers but obv I can't do this to true the wheel as I'll knacker the nipples.
Confusingly Lezyne do a multi tool with a mavic spoke key but thats far too small even for the old nipples.
For ref all current model Ksyriums (Elite's and SL's) & R-Sys fit the top key (I've got the spoke card with all the spare spokes on).
OK couldn't find much online about this. I'm replacing a spoke on a Ksyrium SL wheel.
Ksyrium wheels used to have a small spoke nipple size (5mm dia). Replacement spokes use the larger size (6mm dia) which fits the PA FV 1 or 2 tool (written on the plastic tool).
Looks like this:
but in plastic (I know, I've ordered the metal one, don't worry). I've got about 10 of these, fat lot of use.
Which key for the old (smaller) nipples?
Is it this one?
or does that do the same job?
I removed the old one with a set of pliers but obv I can't do this to true the wheel as I'll knacker the nipples.
Confusingly Lezyne do a multi tool with a mavic spoke key but thats far too small even for the old nipples.
For ref all current model Ksyriums (Elite's and SL's) & R-Sys fit the top key (I've got the spoke card with all the spare spokes on).