shit - james brown woulda been perfect.. enjoy guys
ah well. It's a shame not to have ethnic representation as well as a Nigerian playing polo living in London. My phone is always on, Facebook and email. Never even a mention apart from seeing Marcs status yesterday about flying to Nigeria. I'm being selfish tho obviously. At the very least a mention of this would've been nice.
Now i've done fuck all as far as work to lpc except play sometimes in London. I understand why others should go. I would've said this if Iasked. It's more the case of not being told, having it mentioned, being considered.
ah well. It's a shame not to have ethnic representation as well as a Nigerian playing polo living in London. My phone is always on, Facebook and email. Never even a mention apart from seeing Marcs status yesterday about flying to Nigeria. I'm being selfish tho obviously. At the very least a mention of this would've been nice.
Now i've done fuck all as far as work to lpc except play sometimes in London. I understand why others should go. I would've said this if Iasked. It's more the case of not being told, having it mentioned, being considered.