I made some new decals for my Mash as the other ones got scratched off. I also added a more comical addition inline with the Sci-Fi theme i have. I also flipped the stem over which im sure will get many cries of 'what's the point of having a lo-pro and flipping the stem.' The simple answer is that I have a long ride to my new job and though the bike is rideable the other way, it is more comfortable this way.
I made some new decals for my Mash as the other ones got scratched off. I also added a more comical addition inline with the Sci-Fi theme i have. I also flipped the stem over which im sure will get many cries of 'what's the point of having a lo-pro and flipping the stem.' The simple answer is that I have a long ride to my new job and though the bike is rideable the other way, it is more comfortable this way.