Are we still doing recruitment in the pimping thread?
Myself and a friend (who I have played music with for years) have guitar and bass covered for a new project we've been working on for a few months. We're looking for a drummer now to get instrumentals nailed, then hope to find a vocalist.
We're playing relatively up-beat post-hardcore/melodic hardcore along the lines of some combination of Hot Cross, Touche Amore, Joyce Manor and any number of other vaguely shouty/melodic bands.
Hoping to have fun with it and see where it goes. Write some songs, play some shows.
Looking to practice somewhere central/slightly west London.
I guess it's still pretty early days, but if anyone's interested, give me a shout....
Are we still doing recruitment in the pimping thread?
Myself and a friend (who I have played music with for years) have guitar and bass covered for a new project we've been working on for a few months. We're looking for a drummer now to get instrumentals nailed, then hope to find a vocalist.
We're playing relatively up-beat post-hardcore/melodic hardcore along the lines of some combination of Hot Cross, Touche Amore, Joyce Manor and any number of other vaguely shouty/melodic bands.
Hoping to have fun with it and see where it goes. Write some songs, play some shows.
Looking to practice somewhere central/slightly west London.
I guess it's still pretty early days, but if anyone's interested, give me a shout....