80 quid supermarket mtb-riding fool mounts curb at pedestrian crossing to get past queue of vehicles, scattering peds. rides the length of three vehicles before dropping back onto the road, hitting the back of a boris biker then falling into the roller-door back of a delivery truck. all in front of a shaftsbury ave 9am commuter audience.
glad he didnt seem hurt but sort of wished he had been, for his educational benefit of course.
80 quid supermarket mtb-riding fool mounts curb at pedestrian crossing to get past queue of vehicles, scattering peds. rides the length of three vehicles before dropping back onto the road, hitting the back of a boris biker then falling into the roller-door back of a delivery truck. all in front of a shaftsbury ave 9am commuter audience.
glad he didnt seem hurt but sort of wished he had been, for his educational benefit of course.