Unless the Police detect that work was a factor in a fatal road accident then any resulting action is contained within the ‘causing death by dangerous driving’ offence created by the Road Traffic Act 1991. With no specific occupational road risk legislation, and no remit for investigating work-related road deaths the HSE remains impotent in such cases. Of course corporate manslaughter legislation might change this in time, but its still early days.
Unless the Police detect that work was a factor in a fatal road accident then any resulting action is contained within the ‘causing death by dangerous driving’ offence created by the Road Traffic Act 1991. With no specific occupational road risk legislation, and no remit for investigating work-related road deaths the HSE remains impotent in such cases. Of course corporate manslaughter legislation might change this in time, but its still early days.
I don't know the definitive answer, sorry, I may be wrong.