Well I think it's a bit of a waste as the fork wasn't originaly meant to be drilled, so I am not very keen with the idea of drilling a hole in it. Plus the possibility of messing it up, I'd rather sell it to someone who will use it they way it was supposed to. As it's quite rare as well that would have been a shame to make it lose some of its value.
But again I might be wrong all the way...though finding a very nice chromed/drilled fork that rides like a dream didn't convince me on the drilling solution.
ha, fair enough Malaysian.
Well I think it's a bit of a waste as the fork wasn't originaly meant to be drilled, so I am not very keen with the idea of drilling a hole in it. Plus the possibility of messing it up, I'd rather sell it to someone who will use it they way it was supposed to. As it's quite rare as well that would have been a shame to make it lose some of its value.
But again I might be wrong all the way...though finding a very nice chromed/drilled fork that rides like a dream didn't convince me on the drilling solution.